How do you know if you need a hearing aid?
Most people think their hearing is just fine. But the data is daunting. This is from the NIH: “Approximately one in three people between the ages of 65 and 74 has hearing loss and nearly half of those older than 75 have difficulty hearing. “ So why do we generally not believe we have a hearing problem? Mostly hearing loss is very slow in the making, and we adjust to it subconsciously. It starts in your 20s and 30s (remember those rock concerts? Noisy work places? And we do not notice it until someone is brave or bold enough to tell us to check our hearing. And, of course, when was the last time you had your hearing checked? Hey, it’s possible that you don’t have hearing loss, but if you are reading this, you already think something is going on with your hearing.
So how do I find out if I have hearing loss?
Its simple get a hearing test. There is even a pretty good online hearing test here.
What’s an audiogram?
The result of a hearing test is an Audiogram or hearing chart. And wherever you do it make sure you take a copy of it with you (that’s your right!).Below is an Audiogram. The background grid showing the various levels of hearing loss and a typical age related hearing loss chart:
http://hearing.osu.edu/9371.cfm from Ohio State U.
So how can we sell hearing aids for less than $1,000?
Hearing aids don’t cost all that much to produce. Their price is a function of how many hands they pass through before being sold to you, the consumer. My deal with the manufacturer is that I do not cannibalize its marketing structure. In other words, I am not selling to audiologists, who can then mark up the price. I am not a distributer and can sell only direct to the consumer.
I hear hearing aids don't work so well?
In the old days hearing aids were analog and thus difficult to program. Today most hearing aids, ours included, are digital. That means that hearing aids can be programmed to focus on specific areas of loss without affecting the rest of your hearing. However, hearing aids are not like eyewear, which most of the time correct vision fully because the eye has a lens whose problems can be corrected by superimposing another lens. You can’t correct what is broken—at least not yet! You can salvage what is left and help make things significantly clearer. Hearing aids do that very well. Put another way, they are a lot better than not wearing hearing aids and once you try them you will not want to give them up.
So if hearing aids are only partially helpful, why bother?
There are two practical reasons: First, you will definitely hear better. It is mind blowing to find out, the first time you put on a hearing aid, that you can hear things you have forgotten about—many birds (instead of a few) and conversations that you may have sat through silently because you did not really hear what was being said. Second, and this is becoming important, we are finding out that not treating hearing loss accelerates mental decline. So it’s really imperative to get over the fear that you will be stigmatized for wearing hearing aids. The following is from the NY Times : "Also important is to maintain good hearing, said Dr. Perls, a 60-year-old who wears a hearing aid. “I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for people to optimize their ability to hear,” he said. “There’s a direct connection between hearing and preserving cognitive function. Being stubborn about wearing hearing aids is just silly. Hearing loss results in cognitive loss because you miss so much. You lose touch with your environment.”
So if I buy them and don’t like them, can I return them?
Our policy is 90 days . That is if you are dissatisfied you can return them within 90 days for a full refund. Why? Because I know from personal experience that it takes time to adjust to hearing aids. The reality is that they require getting used to, just like glasses—only more so.
How long have we been in business?
We have been selling hearing aids since 2015